
Low Fat and High Protein Turkey Bresaola is the ideal ally for Summer 2024


The chefs at Citterio have created three recipes with this undiscovered deli meat for a light, fresh, and typically summer lunch.

Summer is just around the corner, and with it comes the desire to get in shape or stay fit for the beautiful season ahead. During the hottest time of the year, people often seek lighter foods with lower fat content that can be allies to their bodies.

Citterio, a historic deli meat company, consulted Dr. Martina Toschi, a Biologist and Nutritionist, to provide some tips for Summer 2024 on how to maintain physical fitness without sacrificing taste, particularly that of deli meats.

“In the hot season, more deli meats are consumed because they are convenient and can be easily paired,” explains Dr. Toschi. “People crave less elaborate foods, foods that, when combined with a healthy and balanced lifestyle, contribute to maintaining good health.”

Turkey bresaola perfectly fits the profile of a food that can be enjoyed in the summer: it guarantees taste and flavor, is versatile because it can be used in various recipes, and is especially suitable for dietary regimens, considering its low saturated fat and cholesterol content.

“It is a food with a good protein content, low in fat, and, most importantly, it is white meat,” says Dr. Toschi. “Therefore, it can be consumed without worry by those who want to maintain good physical shape. To create a balanced meal, it should be paired with a low glycemic index carbohydrate component, such as fresh whole grain toasted bread, a fiber component like vegetables, and so-called 'good' fats. Additionally, in the right quantities, it can be consumed as a morning or afternoon snack, but I also recommend it for breakfast. Turkey bresaola,” she continues, “is very functional for maintaining a balanced glycemic index because it is rich in protein and easily paired with carbohydrates.”

For a light, fresh, and typically summer lunch, Citterio chefs have created three recipes where turkey bresaola takes center stage. Paired with fresh cheeses and seasonal vegetables, it delivers an explosive taste. The Sofficette of Turkey Bresaola are made with 100% selected and seasoned turkey breast and contain many high-quality proteins (21g per package) and low fat, only 2%.

  • Multigrain bruschetta with turkey bresaola, ricotta, and grilled vegetables
  • Turkey bresaola rolls with stracchino cheese and asparagus
  • Fennel salad with turkey bresaola, Parmesan shavings, and almonds

To discover more recipes using Citterio deli meats, visit www.citterio.com.

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